Thursday, January 5, 2012

Almost a year and a half later...

Hey all! So, I basically am horrible at writing in my blog! This post is just gonna be a "off-the-top-of-my head" post to hopefully get me started on blogging again. Also, you'll have to excuse the poor quality of the pictures on this blog. I'm not exactly sure where my camera is, so I used my phone to take the pictures

Well, Trevon has been out of school for the past few weeks, and it has been wonderful! I get to spend lots of time with my awesome husband! One thing that I love lots about Trevon is that he is an artist. A few days ago, he made these:

They're made by melting wax in the mugs, then plunging them into coldish water. They look super cool! But these cool wax sculptures are not without price. This is wax on my kitchen floor:

And wax on my stove top:

Note: this is after cleaning up a huge wax spill. Luckily none of it got on the burners! All in all, I'd say it's worth it though... I like creativity in my life :)